New Releases
The best gold, metal and groundwater detectors
Hydro Tracker
Finding groundwater has become easier and more reliable, as Hydro Tracker features comprehensive and integrated search systems that give the user confidence and accuracy in results. Hydro Tracker device is equipped with a special unit to purify the signal, measure soil temperature and humidity, and send it to a high-performance data processor that gives the device the ability to complete the search process with accurate results at high speed.
The consideration of efficiency goes far beyond the depth concept, TROY Inspired By The Future. TROY provides precise measurements of target shape, size, type, and depth.
Tropic gold detector has the advantage of absolute and accurate discrimination between the types of underground targets and showing its type and identity, and Tropic has been provided with several detection systems. You can find all this and more in this smart device that allows you to scan quickly and easily with multilingual interfaces and great flexibility in use. The all-new Tropic device from AJAX, which is equipped with the advanced discrimination system. Finding gold is now easier than ever. Find gold nuggets, precious metals and burials with unparalleled ease.
Ares metal detector Intelligence, quality, Precision, efficiency, luxury, and smooth, all combined in one device. If you are searching for gold and burials in vast land and open areas that include unknown targets, then you mainly need a tool that will guide you to the location of the buried target from long distances, then to confirm the existence of the target through an accurate sound search system that can determine the depth, size and type of target!! You definitely need this professional technology to make it easier for you to reach your goals quickly and smartly.
High quality detectors
AJAX detectors
the highest quality at the best price
Primero a professional technology for detecting all kinds of precious metals, raw metals, gemstones, voids and even groundwater, with the ability to accurately know the shape, size, type and depth of the target. No more false results. Primero is equipped with nine detection systems that were developed and designed by Ajax engineers with creativity and precision, taking into consideration all prospectors’ needs, and supporting all types of terrains and soil through smart calibration technique. Ajax Primero is always the choice.
Everything is visible with GAMMA, regardless of the soil type and different terrains. Gamma can view golden and precious targets in addition to caves and voids directly on the device screen, which provides an interesting and beneficial search process.
Turn your dreams into reality with ALPHA! Whether you are looking for gold, silver or precious stones, ALPHA is the best choice for your prospecting needs. Knowing the target's location, depth and type is possible with TWO advanced Long-Range Detection Systems.
IOTA provides you with multiple functions to start a successful treasure scan, with integrated and clear data around the targets point, which enables you to determine the depth of the detected target with great accuracy. IOTA solves the problems of all other metal detectors with new technology. With IOTA you can focus on finding treasure and not on hunting in the wrong place. The only thing you need to do is switch it on and start detecting.
Diamond hunting used to be difficult and AJAX has made it interesting and fun, since results are guaranteed. Underground, in mountains, in volcanoes terrains no matter where it exists, the smart calibration technique will recognize it, and detecting gemstones is now possible. Electra the easiest way to diamond.
Random drilling is over, whether you're a drilling contractor or landlord, it's time to save money, time, and effort with Omega Groundwater detector. In the Moroccan deserts, gulf deserts, tropical forests, Indian terrains in rainy seasons, north and south America, Europe and Africa Omega has been tested and proven its efficiency in detecting groundwater on high depths, with specifying the water type, density, and capacity. Omega is equipped with a high-tech geophysical system to measure soil resistance and to pinpoint the potential drilling point. With Omega, water scarcity no more exists.